
Write a Composition about "Dowry System Is A Social Curse"


Dowry System Is A Social Curse

Nowadays, dowry system is a resounding issue of the modern era. Many young married girls have

become its victims Some newly married daughters are maltreated and tortured by their husbands for the

cause of dowry. In fact, inferior outlook to women in the society gives birth to this hatred crime. It

ot triggers the gender discrimination as a social cancer.

As part of long-rooted notion, women are viewed from inferior angle. Women, being financially dependent

on men, are considered to be burden. Therefore, the male generation tends to dominate them. Women of

riei the two religions-Hindus and Muslims of Bangladesh are the victims of disparity in the hereditary laws.

This inhuman practice denies their basic human rights, and status. It also leaves a memorable trauma in

their minds.

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2i To stop women oppression through dowry system is the prime job of all conscious people now. To

edoj tackle dowry system and women oppression application of law is very important. In our country, two

laws are existing at present, such as : Dowry Prohibition Act, 1980 and the Cruelty to Women Deterrent

Punishment Ordinance, 1983.

But things have started taking a new turn. Women are no longer humble and subjugated. They can raise

their voice privately and publicly. They come out on the street with procession, and form human chain to

exact their rights. Besides, they have proved that they are capable to work hand in hand with men in all

sectors of life. Education, consciousness, and self-employment have changed the scenario a lot.

Eb Changing men's attitude to women is a must to check this practice. All family must be careful to give

S priority to female child. Government also should ensure their proper education and jobs. Then, dowry

system will gradually die away from the society.

Dowry system-ailu aan; resounding-oe , issue-f era-Tt: victim-fmT: moltrontod Túrn



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