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 The School I Study

fournded the School. It is one of the best schools in the district of Khulna.

The school 1s situated at a suitable place. The schol stands at the junction of four roads. Boys e

The name of my school is Matbari Serajla High School. A rich man named Elem Boksh Sardar

girls of the neighbouring villages can come to the school easily. The river Koyra lows by the eastem

side of the school, Boys and girls also come from other side of the river.

The schoof 1s noused in a nice one storeyed building. It has fifteen rooms. The rooms are spacious

with a wide verandah and well ventilated. The Headmaster has a seperate room to sit in. There is art

olice room adjacent to the Headmaşter's room. Two clerks sil there and maintain the records of the

school. There is also Teacher's Conmon Room where the other teachers take their seat. There are

also science laboratories, students' common room, scouts' room, cadcts' room, library and

gymnasium rooms. Students go to the common room, play indoor games and read the ncwspapers,

magazines and other papers. The library room is very spacious. There is a rich collection of books

in the library. Students read there. They are isued books. The school has two big hostels and two

teachers are in charge of thc hostels. They supervise the students.

Generally ouur school starts at 11 am and breaks up at 7 prn. We stand in the assembly at 10.30

am, take our oath, sing the National Anthem. Then our class sits at 11 am. We get a recess of half

an hour, takc our tiffin. At this time the Musiim students say their Zohar prayers.

There are 300 students and well trained teachers in our school. The Headmaster is a B.A.B. Ed

with 1st class. He is an experienced teacher. The other teachers are also well qualified. They are

kind, sympathetic to us. They solve our problem.

The school has a big play ground. Our physical instructor himself is a good player. He trains us in

anous games and sports. Students play football, volley ball and cricket there.

the school has a good reputation for results. The results of the Junior Scholarship and S.S.C

Examination are quite salisfactory. Every ycar more than three students get junior scholarship and

iny students obtain star marks in the S.S.C Examination.

Our school is one of the best High Schools in the Khuma District. Its name and fame has spread far

wide. I am proud of being a student of the school.



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