
Write a Composition about "A Journey By Bus I Have Made "


A Journey By Bus I Have Made

Journey is arways a pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey, my heart leaps up with joy. Soon

got an opportunity to make a journey by bus. My friend Sohel serves in Khulna. He invited me to

pay a visit to Khulna. I accepted the invitation gladly.

On the 5th Septernber I got upon Dhaka-Khulna coach at Gabtali bus stand. I procured a ticket the

day before.. The bus was to start at 7. a. m. So I reached Gabtali bus stand at 6 a. m. The seats of

the coach were comfortable. Luckily I had my seat by the window. It was a sunny morning. The bus

left at 7 a.m.

The bus started running at a good speed and soon we were far from the din and bustle (P ) of

the city, Our bus was passing the road Savar. We enjoyed beautiful green fields, orchards, and

trees on the both sides of the highway. I also enjoyed the beautiful campus of the Jahangir Nagar

University, the Savar Dairy Firm and Savar Cantonment, The bus was moving ahead leaving behind

the trees, houses and small shops on either side of the road. It was really very delightful to see the

green beauties of nature.

An interesting part of the journey was crossing the mighty river, the Padma by ferry. We reached

Aricha within an hour and a half. The driver told us to get down from the bus. When I got dowm from

the bus and got on the ferry, I felt a good relief and saw the boats, launches, barges plying on the

placid ("3) water of the mighty river. At the ferry ghat there were some hawkers and vendors

selling fruits, chanachur, muri, betal leaf and cigarette. Some passengers bought muri and

chanachur. Crossing the river by ferry in the gentle breeze was very pleasant.

Our bus reached Daulatdia ghat. Again I took my seat. The bus began to run at a high speed, we

crossed Rajbari and Faridpur on the way. We also crossed Magura and Jhenaida on the way and

reached Jessore town at about 2 p.m. I enjoyed the natural beautiful scenery on the either side of

the high way, When our bus

Khulna at 3.30 p. m. Sohel received me at the bus stand.

opped at Jessore, some passengers got down. Our bus reached

The journey gave me much pleasure. It was one of the most memorable days in my life. I bore the

Journey in my heart.

Write a Composition about "Discipline"



Discipline comes from the latin word "dicipulus" which means disciple (1*). A disciple ob

preceptors () even at the cost of his own life. So, discipline is obedience (ETU to ths his

formed for the regulation of human conduct.

From the heaven (7) above to the earth below, discipline reigns supreme. The earth, the moon

the stars move around the sun not by fits and stars (ten CACT SIC4) but according to certain ple

Even the lower animals are disciplined. The life of the bees in a hive is very disciplined, Am th.

bees obey the queen bees. Ants are also disciplined. They lead their life in a disciplined way

In every house there is a sort of government. All the members of the house obey the nales ef

family. A disciplined family leads a happy and healthy life.

Discipline is found in human body. The various organs of the body co-operate with one another and

are disciplined for the growth and development of the whole body.

Discipline is strictly maintained (TIST aaT ) in games and sports. A player has to show

respect ( a 0 21) to the decision (PT8) of the referee. Here a player sacrifices (

CT1) his petty selfishness ( I4) to the greater interest ( A V) of the team.

Discipline is more necessary in the army. It is part and parcel ( ) in the army, Here a

moment's hasitation (1441) may mean death. Difficulty, danger, nay death can not deter ( a a

soldier from carrying out (eR 1) the orders of his commanders though they may be unjust and


There's not to make reply.

There's not to reason why.

There's but to do and die.

A small disciplined army can overthrow (ifere ) a large indisciplined army.

It is the educational institutions from where man learns discipline. A student has to observe (T

1) the rules of the institute. He has also to obey the orders of his superiors ( ), show respect

to his teachers. If he falls to maintain a disciplined life, he is sure to repent ( and his

position will be nowhere.

In any organization ( ) social, ( ) political, ( ), religious, () economic

(ta) and educational discipline is essential ( ) for its growth and development.

Discipline is necessary for a state, nay for a whole nation for its prosperity (G6) and development.

Discipline is a precious (RR) treasure ( ) for the growth of whole human society. Life without

discipline means life full of chaos (R ) and anarchy (Ter).

Write a Composition about "Life of a Freedom Fighter"


 Life of a Freedom Fighter

Bangladesh became independent in 1971 through a long nine months bloody war. Frecdom docs

not come down upon à nation. A nation must rise itself to achieve it. Many herolc sons sacrificed

their life to bring treedom and they are called freedom fighter', the most common word in the heart

of the mass people. The freedom fighters fought for a dream to make a corruplion and exploitalion

free society but their dream is still a far cry. Some of them are leading their life in a miserable

condition because their dream has not yet come true. They are not living in the society with dighity

and honour. The story of such a freedom fighter is described in short.

Many brave sons of us left their homes in response to the call of homeland. Kador Ali was one of

them who took part in several attacks under the command of sector commander Major Monzur. He

took part in a bloody battle at Kumarkhali. He fought heroically and lost one of his hands.

Kador Ali became unfit to work hard. He had a family consisting of eight members. He was not

shown any Irom any corner. He was not given any financial help so that he could lead his family

without hunger. Fortune disfavoured him and he started begging. Sometime he was seen to pass

night beside the road without having meal. One night he left this unfecling world where love,

sympathy and affection do not exist. This is the true life story of a great son of this land who fought

bravely against the enemies and brought independence for us. The nation did not show any dignity

and honour but neglect and frustration.

Thus, after a sea of blood and lot of sacrifices we achieved our freedom from Pakistan. Today we are

proud as an independent and sovereign nation. Our liberation war has gone down to history. But it

is a history written down with blood. It is an achievement that is more valuable than our lives. Our

nberation war is our living memory, our greatest achievement and our pride. It teaches us to risc for

any just cause, to bring homme our rights, and to stand upright in the world.

Now the condition is gradually changing. The govt. is now working for materializing the dreams of

the freedom fighters. They should be favoured with financial assistance so that they can get

dignified life in society, But it is an irony of fate that the great freedom fighter Kador Ali could not.

See the present situation of the state. The freedom lighlers are the greatest sons of our land. AII

Should respect them for their honest sacrifices. Elfective steps must be taken to honour them

auring their life time so that no freedom fighters face the destiny of Kador Alt, our dearest one.

Write a Composition about " Corruption in Bangladesh"


Corruption in Bangladesh

In our recent political history, corruption has become a buzzword due to its all-pervasive existence

in all our public sectors and even in private organizations. Corruption has always been a constant

phenomenon in our country. But recent drives against corruption and a huge public conscience

and consciousness against it have given it a new momentum. Bangladesh has been branded as the

most corrupt country in the world for consecutive four years by Transparency International. So,

both local and international pressure and call have created an urgency to fight and curb corruption

in Bangladesh.

Corruption can be defined in simple term as unethical and unfair practice or means to draw any

profit or benefit that goes against law and harms others' interest. In broad terms, corruption

includes abuse of power,distortion of standard practices and principles, bribery, favoununal

extortion, fraudulence, deception and illegal practices whereby a person or group draw personal

benefil damaging others or country's interest. In our country corruption has been so rampant

has become a matter of fact common affair. No govt. service or work could be done or is available

without corruption.

Corruption is a social evil. Moral degradation and ethical decadence is the main cause oI

corruption. People's unscrupulous activities, avarice and greed to amass wealth, materialistic

attitude of life-all these breed corruption, Besides these personal reasons there are some social

causes of corruption. Capitalistic economic system, inequal distribution of wealth, excessive gap

between wealth and poverty, economic insolvency, high living cost, unemployment etc. are the

social and economic causes of corruption. Adding to this poor administrative system of govt. and

lack of law and order in society also contribute to spreading corruption.

Corruption has entered each and every core of our administration, public governance, office and

organisation. In a poor and underdeveloped country like Bangladesh the effects of corruption in

economy and in politics are very devastating. If govt officials are corrupt, people do not get good

service from them. If politicians and policy-makers are corrupt, it affects and retards country's

overall development. By doing corruption, a section of powerful people amass huge wealth and lead

a very carefree and luxurious life. This creates social gap and discrimination. Administrative and

institutional corruption creates depression and grievances among people. Corruption in education

system lowers down standard of education. All these personal and corporate or institutional

corruption seriously harms the image of the country, causes social and political instability,

increases economic and social crimes and also discrimination and disorder in the society. These, in

the long run håmper social and economic development of the country. Study shows that corruption

is responsible for about 2% of GDP decrease and about 40% of our development budget is either

mísused or wasted due to corruption.

People's ethical sense should be strengthen. For this a good education system which stresses on

creating morality is necessary. Consciousness about corruption and fighting corruption is also

necessary. Corrupt officials and politicians should be severely punished. We should have good and

effective laws for preventing corruption, A just and equal social and judicial system is necessary to

prevent corruption. Accountable, transparent and ellicient administration is also necessary, We

have to remove social injustice, social gap and wide gap between wealth and poverty. Besdies, Anti

Corruption Commission should be made effective and independent so that they can fight corruption

Write a Composition about "Autobiography of A Rickshawala"


Autobiography of A Rickshawala

I am a rickshaw-driver and popularaly known as 'rickshawala' in our part of the world. That is the

name by which I am called. Sometimes passengers shorten my title and call out 'Halloo, riskshaw',

I am a

as if I am the vehicle that I ply. But I know what they mean and at once rush to their service. I

annot afford to have any false sense of vaníty either.

I am poor but not miserable. I suffer poverty but no unhappiness. I feel proud to earn my living by

the honest sweat of my brow. I thank my star that I am not a thief.

I drive a three-wheeled vehicle that you call 'rickshaw. I do not own my carriage yet but hope to buy

one in the near future. NonethelesS I love the rickshaw that gives mean honourable living. 1 Jove

with the care of a father and always ply with caution and tenderness. I keep it neat and tidy and

protect it from rain and sun.

Shall I tell you a bit of my daily life? Yes, let me tell vou, You may find it somewhat interesting. 1 1i

quite early in the morning, eat my poor but pleasant breakfast, and go out with my three-wheeled

car. At times I have to paddle a long way off before I get a passenger. As the sun rises higher ana

higher, my trouble increases. How difficult it is, after all to drive along several maunds of weigBht

with no stronger things than two human legs. And often I have to run for miles without any income.

But on the whole my income is good. After meetiíng the dues of the cruel, I am left enough to leed my

family except on rare occasions when natural calamities disturb my work. Usually I work from

morning to sunset, with a break in the midday for lunch. Generally after a long trip, I rest for a

while and take some repast.

I have a home- a small but loving home where I live with my loving wife and beloved children.

When I go out in the morning, my children see me off at the door. When I return home in the

evening they receive me on the adjacent road. They rush out of my small cottage as soon as they

hear the sound of my bell. As I go in with them, my loving wife receives me with a smile and then

sits by me fanning off my fatigue. Shortly. afterwards we all eat our dinner together and go to bed

rather early.

But on top of all my joys I have a permanent fear which robs me of much of the relish of life. I have

no security. I am now young and energetic and can kep off starvation by the power of my muscles.

But what will happen when I grow old? Who will feed my children if I fall sick or die of an accident?

Whenever I think of these problems, I find no reply. But I depend on God and believe firmly that He

will give me and my family the protection we deserve.

Write a Composition about "Dowry System Is A Social Curse"


Dowry System Is A Social Curse

Nowadays, dowry system is a resounding issue of the modern era. Many young married girls have

become its victims Some newly married daughters are maltreated and tortured by their husbands for the

cause of dowry. In fact, inferior outlook to women in the society gives birth to this hatred crime. It

ot triggers the gender discrimination as a social cancer.

As part of long-rooted notion, women are viewed from inferior angle. Women, being financially dependent

on men, are considered to be burden. Therefore, the male generation tends to dominate them. Women of

riei the two religions-Hindus and Muslims of Bangladesh are the victims of disparity in the hereditary laws.

This inhuman practice denies their basic human rights, and status. It also leaves a memorable trauma in

their minds.

snimst nsil

2i To stop women oppression through dowry system is the prime job of all conscious people now. To

edoj tackle dowry system and women oppression application of law is very important. In our country, two

laws are existing at present, such as : Dowry Prohibition Act, 1980 and the Cruelty to Women Deterrent

Punishment Ordinance, 1983.

But things have started taking a new turn. Women are no longer humble and subjugated. They can raise

their voice privately and publicly. They come out on the street with procession, and form human chain to

exact their rights. Besides, they have proved that they are capable to work hand in hand with men in all

sectors of life. Education, consciousness, and self-employment have changed the scenario a lot.

Eb Changing men's attitude to women is a must to check this practice. All family must be careful to give

S priority to female child. Government also should ensure their proper education and jobs. Then, dowry

system will gradually die away from the society.

Dowry system-ailu aan; resounding-oe , issue-f era-Tt: victim-fmT: moltrontod Túrn

Write a Composition about "The Internet is Very Useful to the Modern Civilization"


The Internet is Very Useful to the Modern Civilization

Internet is the latest wonder of modern science. It has created a ereat revolution in the world. It has

created a coruscation in the arena of recent information technology. It not only influence an individual

Hfe in a country but also almost all the lives of the whole world. Through internet we can communicate

with any individual or institution very easily.

Internet is computer-based global information system. The internet refers to many interconnected computer

networks. Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them to share

information with one another and to share computational resources such as powerful super computers and

database information.

The internet has made the worldwide effective and inexpensive communication possible. Unlike traditional

broadcasting media like radio and television, the internet does not have a centralized distribution system.

Instead, an individual who has internet access can communicate directly with anyone else on the internet,

make information available to others, find information provided by others, or self-products with a

minimum overhead cost.

The internet has brought new opportunities to government, business and education. Governments use the

internet for internal communication, distribution of information and automated tax processing. In

addition to offering goods and services online to customers, businesses use the internet to interact with

other businesses.

Many individuals use the internet for shopping, paying bills and online banking. Educational institutions

Use the internet for research and to deliver courses to students at remote sites.

The internet has paved the way of sharing information and communication between organisation and

people. Communication gets much easier with the aid of the internet. It keeps the world at the point of

Tinger as if we are the people of a global village. This is why, modern civilization exclusively depends

and bases itself on internet.


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