
Write a Composition about "A Journey By Bus I Have Made "


A Journey By Bus I Have Made

Journey is arways a pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey, my heart leaps up with joy. Soon

got an opportunity to make a journey by bus. My friend Sohel serves in Khulna. He invited me to

pay a visit to Khulna. I accepted the invitation gladly.

On the 5th Septernber I got upon Dhaka-Khulna coach at Gabtali bus stand. I procured a ticket the

day before.. The bus was to start at 7. a. m. So I reached Gabtali bus stand at 6 a. m. The seats of

the coach were comfortable. Luckily I had my seat by the window. It was a sunny morning. The bus

left at 7 a.m.

The bus started running at a good speed and soon we were far from the din and bustle (P ) of

the city, Our bus was passing the road Savar. We enjoyed beautiful green fields, orchards, and

trees on the both sides of the highway. I also enjoyed the beautiful campus of the Jahangir Nagar

University, the Savar Dairy Firm and Savar Cantonment, The bus was moving ahead leaving behind

the trees, houses and small shops on either side of the road. It was really very delightful to see the

green beauties of nature.

An interesting part of the journey was crossing the mighty river, the Padma by ferry. We reached

Aricha within an hour and a half. The driver told us to get down from the bus. When I got dowm from

the bus and got on the ferry, I felt a good relief and saw the boats, launches, barges plying on the

placid ("3) water of the mighty river. At the ferry ghat there were some hawkers and vendors

selling fruits, chanachur, muri, betal leaf and cigarette. Some passengers bought muri and

chanachur. Crossing the river by ferry in the gentle breeze was very pleasant.

Our bus reached Daulatdia ghat. Again I took my seat. The bus began to run at a high speed, we

crossed Rajbari and Faridpur on the way. We also crossed Magura and Jhenaida on the way and

reached Jessore town at about 2 p.m. I enjoyed the natural beautiful scenery on the either side of

the high way, When our bus

Khulna at 3.30 p. m. Sohel received me at the bus stand.

opped at Jessore, some passengers got down. Our bus reached

The journey gave me much pleasure. It was one of the most memorable days in my life. I bore the

Journey in my heart.

Write a Composition about "Discipline"



Discipline comes from the latin word "dicipulus" which means disciple (1*). A disciple ob

preceptors () even at the cost of his own life. So, discipline is obedience (ETU to ths his

formed for the regulation of human conduct.

From the heaven (7) above to the earth below, discipline reigns supreme. The earth, the moon

the stars move around the sun not by fits and stars (ten CACT SIC4) but according to certain ple

Even the lower animals are disciplined. The life of the bees in a hive is very disciplined, Am th.

bees obey the queen bees. Ants are also disciplined. They lead their life in a disciplined way

In every house there is a sort of government. All the members of the house obey the nales ef

family. A disciplined family leads a happy and healthy life.

Discipline is found in human body. The various organs of the body co-operate with one another and

are disciplined for the growth and development of the whole body.

Discipline is strictly maintained (TIST aaT ) in games and sports. A player has to show

respect ( a 0 21) to the decision (PT8) of the referee. Here a player sacrifices (

CT1) his petty selfishness ( I4) to the greater interest ( A V) of the team.

Discipline is more necessary in the army. It is part and parcel ( ) in the army, Here a

moment's hasitation (1441) may mean death. Difficulty, danger, nay death can not deter ( a a

soldier from carrying out (eR 1) the orders of his commanders though they may be unjust and


There's not to make reply.

There's not to reason why.

There's but to do and die.

A small disciplined army can overthrow (ifere ) a large indisciplined army.

It is the educational institutions from where man learns discipline. A student has to observe (T

1) the rules of the institute. He has also to obey the orders of his superiors ( ), show respect

to his teachers. If he falls to maintain a disciplined life, he is sure to repent ( and his

position will be nowhere.

In any organization ( ) social, ( ) political, ( ), religious, () economic

(ta) and educational discipline is essential ( ) for its growth and development.

Discipline is necessary for a state, nay for a whole nation for its prosperity (G6) and development.

Discipline is a precious (RR) treasure ( ) for the growth of whole human society. Life without

discipline means life full of chaos (R ) and anarchy (Ter).

Write a Composition about "Life of a Freedom Fighter"


 Life of a Freedom Fighter

Bangladesh became independent in 1971 through a long nine months bloody war. Frecdom docs

not come down upon à nation. A nation must rise itself to achieve it. Many herolc sons sacrificed

their life to bring treedom and they are called freedom fighter', the most common word in the heart

of the mass people. The freedom fighters fought for a dream to make a corruplion and exploitalion

free society but their dream is still a far cry. Some of them are leading their life in a miserable

condition because their dream has not yet come true. They are not living in the society with dighity

and honour. The story of such a freedom fighter is described in short.

Many brave sons of us left their homes in response to the call of homeland. Kador Ali was one of

them who took part in several attacks under the command of sector commander Major Monzur. He

took part in a bloody battle at Kumarkhali. He fought heroically and lost one of his hands.

Kador Ali became unfit to work hard. He had a family consisting of eight members. He was not

shown any Irom any corner. He was not given any financial help so that he could lead his family

without hunger. Fortune disfavoured him and he started begging. Sometime he was seen to pass

night beside the road without having meal. One night he left this unfecling world where love,

sympathy and affection do not exist. This is the true life story of a great son of this land who fought

bravely against the enemies and brought independence for us. The nation did not show any dignity

and honour but neglect and frustration.

Thus, after a sea of blood and lot of sacrifices we achieved our freedom from Pakistan. Today we are

proud as an independent and sovereign nation. Our liberation war has gone down to history. But it

is a history written down with blood. It is an achievement that is more valuable than our lives. Our

nberation war is our living memory, our greatest achievement and our pride. It teaches us to risc for

any just cause, to bring homme our rights, and to stand upright in the world.

Now the condition is gradually changing. The govt. is now working for materializing the dreams of

the freedom fighters. They should be favoured with financial assistance so that they can get

dignified life in society, But it is an irony of fate that the great freedom fighter Kador Ali could not.

See the present situation of the state. The freedom lighlers are the greatest sons of our land. AII

Should respect them for their honest sacrifices. Elfective steps must be taken to honour them

auring their life time so that no freedom fighters face the destiny of Kador Alt, our dearest one.

Write a Composition about " Corruption in Bangladesh"


Corruption in Bangladesh

In our recent political history, corruption has become a buzzword due to its all-pervasive existence

in all our public sectors and even in private organizations. Corruption has always been a constant

phenomenon in our country. But recent drives against corruption and a huge public conscience

and consciousness against it have given it a new momentum. Bangladesh has been branded as the

most corrupt country in the world for consecutive four years by Transparency International. So,

both local and international pressure and call have created an urgency to fight and curb corruption

in Bangladesh.

Corruption can be defined in simple term as unethical and unfair practice or means to draw any

profit or benefit that goes against law and harms others' interest. In broad terms, corruption

includes abuse of power,distortion of standard practices and principles, bribery, favoununal

extortion, fraudulence, deception and illegal practices whereby a person or group draw personal

benefil damaging others or country's interest. In our country corruption has been so rampant

has become a matter of fact common affair. No govt. service or work could be done or is available

without corruption.

Corruption is a social evil. Moral degradation and ethical decadence is the main cause oI

corruption. People's unscrupulous activities, avarice and greed to amass wealth, materialistic

attitude of life-all these breed corruption, Besides these personal reasons there are some social

causes of corruption. Capitalistic economic system, inequal distribution of wealth, excessive gap

between wealth and poverty, economic insolvency, high living cost, unemployment etc. are the

social and economic causes of corruption. Adding to this poor administrative system of govt. and

lack of law and order in society also contribute to spreading corruption.

Corruption has entered each and every core of our administration, public governance, office and

organisation. In a poor and underdeveloped country like Bangladesh the effects of corruption in

economy and in politics are very devastating. If govt officials are corrupt, people do not get good

service from them. If politicians and policy-makers are corrupt, it affects and retards country's

overall development. By doing corruption, a section of powerful people amass huge wealth and lead

a very carefree and luxurious life. This creates social gap and discrimination. Administrative and

institutional corruption creates depression and grievances among people. Corruption in education

system lowers down standard of education. All these personal and corporate or institutional

corruption seriously harms the image of the country, causes social and political instability,

increases economic and social crimes and also discrimination and disorder in the society. These, in

the long run håmper social and economic development of the country. Study shows that corruption

is responsible for about 2% of GDP decrease and about 40% of our development budget is either

mísused or wasted due to corruption.

People's ethical sense should be strengthen. For this a good education system which stresses on

creating morality is necessary. Consciousness about corruption and fighting corruption is also

necessary. Corrupt officials and politicians should be severely punished. We should have good and

effective laws for preventing corruption, A just and equal social and judicial system is necessary to

prevent corruption. Accountable, transparent and ellicient administration is also necessary, We

have to remove social injustice, social gap and wide gap between wealth and poverty. Besdies, Anti

Corruption Commission should be made effective and independent so that they can fight corruption

Write a Composition about "Autobiography of A Rickshawala"


Autobiography of A Rickshawala

I am a rickshaw-driver and popularaly known as 'rickshawala' in our part of the world. That is the

name by which I am called. Sometimes passengers shorten my title and call out 'Halloo, riskshaw',

I am a

as if I am the vehicle that I ply. But I know what they mean and at once rush to their service. I

annot afford to have any false sense of vaníty either.

I am poor but not miserable. I suffer poverty but no unhappiness. I feel proud to earn my living by

the honest sweat of my brow. I thank my star that I am not a thief.

I drive a three-wheeled vehicle that you call 'rickshaw. I do not own my carriage yet but hope to buy

one in the near future. NonethelesS I love the rickshaw that gives mean honourable living. 1 Jove

with the care of a father and always ply with caution and tenderness. I keep it neat and tidy and

protect it from rain and sun.

Shall I tell you a bit of my daily life? Yes, let me tell vou, You may find it somewhat interesting. 1 1i

quite early in the morning, eat my poor but pleasant breakfast, and go out with my three-wheeled

car. At times I have to paddle a long way off before I get a passenger. As the sun rises higher ana

higher, my trouble increases. How difficult it is, after all to drive along several maunds of weigBht

with no stronger things than two human legs. And often I have to run for miles without any income.

But on the whole my income is good. After meetiíng the dues of the cruel, I am left enough to leed my

family except on rare occasions when natural calamities disturb my work. Usually I work from

morning to sunset, with a break in the midday for lunch. Generally after a long trip, I rest for a

while and take some repast.

I have a home- a small but loving home where I live with my loving wife and beloved children.

When I go out in the morning, my children see me off at the door. When I return home in the

evening they receive me on the adjacent road. They rush out of my small cottage as soon as they

hear the sound of my bell. As I go in with them, my loving wife receives me with a smile and then

sits by me fanning off my fatigue. Shortly. afterwards we all eat our dinner together and go to bed

rather early.

But on top of all my joys I have a permanent fear which robs me of much of the relish of life. I have

no security. I am now young and energetic and can kep off starvation by the power of my muscles.

But what will happen when I grow old? Who will feed my children if I fall sick or die of an accident?

Whenever I think of these problems, I find no reply. But I depend on God and believe firmly that He

will give me and my family the protection we deserve.

Write a Composition about "Dowry System Is A Social Curse"


Dowry System Is A Social Curse

Nowadays, dowry system is a resounding issue of the modern era. Many young married girls have

become its victims Some newly married daughters are maltreated and tortured by their husbands for the

cause of dowry. In fact, inferior outlook to women in the society gives birth to this hatred crime. It

ot triggers the gender discrimination as a social cancer.

As part of long-rooted notion, women are viewed from inferior angle. Women, being financially dependent

on men, are considered to be burden. Therefore, the male generation tends to dominate them. Women of

riei the two religions-Hindus and Muslims of Bangladesh are the victims of disparity in the hereditary laws.

This inhuman practice denies their basic human rights, and status. It also leaves a memorable trauma in

their minds.

snimst nsil

2i To stop women oppression through dowry system is the prime job of all conscious people now. To

edoj tackle dowry system and women oppression application of law is very important. In our country, two

laws are existing at present, such as : Dowry Prohibition Act, 1980 and the Cruelty to Women Deterrent

Punishment Ordinance, 1983.

But things have started taking a new turn. Women are no longer humble and subjugated. They can raise

their voice privately and publicly. They come out on the street with procession, and form human chain to

exact their rights. Besides, they have proved that they are capable to work hand in hand with men in all

sectors of life. Education, consciousness, and self-employment have changed the scenario a lot.

Eb Changing men's attitude to women is a must to check this practice. All family must be careful to give

S priority to female child. Government also should ensure their proper education and jobs. Then, dowry

system will gradually die away from the society.

Dowry system-ailu aan; resounding-oe , issue-f era-Tt: victim-fmT: moltrontod Túrn

Write a Composition about "The Internet is Very Useful to the Modern Civilization"


The Internet is Very Useful to the Modern Civilization

Internet is the latest wonder of modern science. It has created a ereat revolution in the world. It has

created a coruscation in the arena of recent information technology. It not only influence an individual

Hfe in a country but also almost all the lives of the whole world. Through internet we can communicate

with any individual or institution very easily.

Internet is computer-based global information system. The internet refers to many interconnected computer

networks. Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them to share

information with one another and to share computational resources such as powerful super computers and

database information.

The internet has made the worldwide effective and inexpensive communication possible. Unlike traditional

broadcasting media like radio and television, the internet does not have a centralized distribution system.

Instead, an individual who has internet access can communicate directly with anyone else on the internet,

make information available to others, find information provided by others, or self-products with a

minimum overhead cost.

The internet has brought new opportunities to government, business and education. Governments use the

internet for internal communication, distribution of information and automated tax processing. In

addition to offering goods and services online to customers, businesses use the internet to interact with

other businesses.

Many individuals use the internet for shopping, paying bills and online banking. Educational institutions

Use the internet for research and to deliver courses to students at remote sites.

The internet has paved the way of sharing information and communication between organisation and

people. Communication gets much easier with the aid of the internet. It keeps the world at the point of

Tinger as if we are the people of a global village. This is why, modern civilization exclusively depends

and bases itself on internet.

Write a Composition about " population growth Hinder Department"


Population Growth Hinder Development

The rapid growth of population is the main cause of poverty in Bangladesh with nearly 16 crore people.

The growth rate of population is 1.5%, while the density of population is 9.16 per square kilometre. The

density of population stands topmost here. In population, Bangladesh stands 7th in the world.

Bangladesh is a poor country. The 49.8% of its people live below the poverty line while 33.37% below

absolute poverty.

The high rate of population versus limited land in Bangladesh is discrepant. The land gets gradually

divided and subdivided among the descendants. This phenomenon reduces the agricultural land. As a

result, the poor parents become landless and lose their income. And it eventually reduces the production

of agricultural crops. So, on one hand, the population is growing; on the other hand, food production is

decreasing. Owing to this situation, the rich are becoming poor and the poor poorer.

Though the production of crops is being increased, using high yielding variety (HYV) of seeds but again

this increased production cannot cater to the needs of the fast increasing mouths.

The job opportunities are also limited in Bangladesh. No new industry is being set up, no new business

is flourishing to create the employment opportunities for the new comers in the job markets. This

situation is creating a negative contribution to the per capital income of the people of the country. As a

result, the poverty situation is aggravating and it is going from bad to worse. Therefore, standard of

living of the people is going down.

The Government's initiative of population reduction strategy along with the NGOS and donor countries

nas already led the country to low middle income. dm

Ranid nf

Write a Composition about "Physical Exercise"


Physical Exercise

Physical exercise means the proper movement of our limbs. It is the most important pre-condition f

good health. It keeps our body physically fit and mentally sound and healthy. duy

Body and mind are closely connected. "Sound mind in a sound body" is a wise saying. A sound body i

not possible without taking regular exercise. We should have sound health for attaining every success in

lite. It makes our body active, helps to circulatc blood, and digest food.

There are various kinds of physical exercises. Playing games like football, hockey, cricket, badmmnton

tennis are very ideal physical exercises. Walking, riding, swimming, gymnastics are alse good forms of

physical exercise. All physical exercises are not suitable for all people. Swimming suits the young mog.

Running is good for middle aged men. However, walking is beneficial to both old and young,

and the old cannot stand the strains of gymnastic exercises. Gymnastic exercises are best suited to the

banyoung, students and members of well organízed clubs. Riding racing, rowing, wrestling, indoor and

outdoor games offer simple opportunity for the exercise of our body. Among all forms of exercise

pild swimming and walking are the best because they cast nothing.

al Morning is the best time for physical exercise. We may take exercise in the evening also. Regularity is

the pre-requisite of physical exercise. Exercise should not be taken just before or after meals, Besides.

different exercises should be taken in different ages.

Physical exercise is useful for both body and mind. It makes our limbs and muscles strong. It also makes

our body fit to protect us from diseases. It keeps us sound and healthy.

An oft-quoated proverb goes that a sound mind lives in a sound body. Mere acquisition of knaw co

without sound health is of no use to society. There lies close connection belween body and the mind.

the body is unsound the mind must be unsound. It is physical exercise which enåbles us to build a goo

health which is the key to success.

If body is the source of all happiness, physical excrcise the key to ensuring that sound body Thus

keep body fit and healthy, physical exercise plays a superbly effective role in everyday life.

Proper- limbs- Tet; pre-condition-gáto, sound-l actiys-i

rot, suitable- , middle aged- : onnortur

The weak

connection ona

Write a Composition about "The School I Study"

 The School I Study

fournded the School. It is one of the best schools in the district of Khulna.

The school 1s situated at a suitable place. The schol stands at the junction of four roads. Boys e

The name of my school is Matbari Serajla High School. A rich man named Elem Boksh Sardar

girls of the neighbouring villages can come to the school easily. The river Koyra lows by the eastem

side of the school, Boys and girls also come from other side of the river.

The schoof 1s noused in a nice one storeyed building. It has fifteen rooms. The rooms are spacious

with a wide verandah and well ventilated. The Headmaster has a seperate room to sit in. There is art

olice room adjacent to the Headmaşter's room. Two clerks sil there and maintain the records of the

school. There is also Teacher's Conmon Room where the other teachers take their seat. There are

also science laboratories, students' common room, scouts' room, cadcts' room, library and

gymnasium rooms. Students go to the common room, play indoor games and read the ncwspapers,

magazines and other papers. The library room is very spacious. There is a rich collection of books

in the library. Students read there. They are isued books. The school has two big hostels and two

teachers are in charge of thc hostels. They supervise the students.

Generally ouur school starts at 11 am and breaks up at 7 prn. We stand in the assembly at 10.30

am, take our oath, sing the National Anthem. Then our class sits at 11 am. We get a recess of half

an hour, takc our tiffin. At this time the Musiim students say their Zohar prayers.

There are 300 students and well trained teachers in our school. The Headmaster is a B.A.B. Ed

with 1st class. He is an experienced teacher. The other teachers are also well qualified. They are

kind, sympathetic to us. They solve our problem.

The school has a big play ground. Our physical instructor himself is a good player. He trains us in

anous games and sports. Students play football, volley ball and cricket there.

the school has a good reputation for results. The results of the Junior Scholarship and S.S.C

Examination are quite salisfactory. Every ycar more than three students get junior scholarship and

iny students obtain star marks in the S.S.C Examination.

Our school is one of the best High Schools in the Khuma District. Its name and fame has spread far

wide. I am proud of being a student of the school.

Write a Composition about "The Life of Hazrat Muhammad (SM.)"


The Life of Hazrat Muhammad (SM.)

Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) is the last Prophet of Allah and the leader of all prophets. He is the greatest

of men and teachers ever born on earth. There is none like him. He is the embodiment ( ) of all

that is good, pure and noble.

Before his birth Arabia was steeped in darkness, ignorance and superstition. The Arabs were

ignorant and wicked and they led beastly lives. They were worshippers of many gods and

goddesses and were given to all kinds of vices. The people of other countries of the world also had

fallen on evil ways of life by that time. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) was therefore, sent by Allah to

correct the Arabs and to show the people of the world the right Path.

Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) was born in the famous Quraish tribe of Mecca in 570 A. D. His father

Abdullah died before his birth, and his mother Amena died when he was only six. So he became an

orphan when he was still an infant. He was brought up by a nurse named Halima. His grandfather,

Abdul Muttalib and his uncle Abu Taleb took care of the boy.

Early in life Hazrat Muhammad passed through many trials and sufferings. He got no opportunity for

learning. But he was taught much higher things than book-knowledge by nature and the unseen

hand of Allah. He was sent down by Allah for the good of mankind. From his boyhood he was

thoughtful, honest and truthful. He was called Al-Amin or the Trusty one. He carried on trade under

his uncle and went to Syria several times on commercial visits.

Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) served for some time under a beautiful rich and accomplished widow

named Khadija. He managed her large business and won her confidence. At last at the age of 25 he

married her and became the master of her vast wealth. But wife and riches had no effect on his

character. He retired to the cave of Mount Hira and meditated on the problems of life and death. At

last at the age of forty light dawned upon him and he got the new truth. He preached : "There is no

god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah to preach this great truth to the world." This

is the religion of Islam. The new faith was first accepted by his wife Khadija. A few others also

accepted it and became his disciples.

But a great many of the fierce Arabs were furious when they heard of the new religion of Islam. They

at first tried to persuade him to refrain from preaching it and promised to give him whatever he

wanted. Then they put every difficulty in his path, subjected his followers to severe tortures and

tried to kill him. So for the sake of religion he sent many of his followers to Medina and then in 622

A. D. he himself went there. This is called the Hijrat. From this date the Islamic era Hijri began.

The people of Madina warmly welcomed him. Many of them accepted his faith. But the people of

Mecca attacked Madina several times to kill the Prophet and to wipe out Islam. Thus the Prophet

and his followers were forced to fight a number of battles like Badar. Ohud and Khandak. But every

time the evil designs of the oppressors of Mecca were foiled. At last the Prophet conquered Mecca in

630 A. D. and succeeded in bringing all Arabia to his faith.

The Prophet did not take any retaliation (TOT14). He taught the people the virtue of forgiveness.

This great and noble soul passed away in 632 A. D at the age of 63. But his work and teachings

remain and will be followed as long as the world lasts. He made Muslims brothers of one another,

built a great nation and a powerful state. At present one fifth of the people of the world are the

followers of this great and noble Prophet.

Write a Composition about "The Victory Day"


The Victory Day

December 16 is our victory day. On this day, we achieved our ultimate. victory over Pakistani

occupation forces and achicved our independence. On this day, a new, sovereign and independent

country named Bangladesh with its own identity, own flag and own status came into being.

Bangladesh stood upright among the nations of the world after a ninth-month long bloody struggle

and sacrifices of millions of people. So this day is a red letter day in our national history.

Long-standiug exploitation, injustice and deprivation from due political, economic and

administrative rights and previleges were the root causes of discontentment and rcsentment of the

Bangladeshis against the ruling West Pakistani lcadérs. Matters grew worse when in the general

election of 1970, the Awami League came out victorious defealing the ruling Muslim League and

achieved absolute majority in the parliament. But the then authorities of West Pakistan were dilly-

dallying to hand over power to the elected East-Pakistan leaders. They were plotting a blue-print to

massacre the Bengalis. On the night of. December 25, the Pakistani forces launched an atrocious

and barbarous attack on the innocent and sleeping Bengalis under the Operationn Scarchlight. By

killing the innocent people of Bangladesh.they were trying to subdue the spirit of independence of

the Bengali, their voice for justice and rights.

But the heroic sons of this soil stood against the Pak-army with valour and indomitable spirit for

liberaty. They fought against the Pak-army to free their beloved country. On March 26 Bangladesh

declared independence and appealed to international community to recognise Bangladesh. In the

mean time, people of all walks of life joined the liberation force. After a nine-month long struggle.

and crossing a sea of blood, we gained our freedom on December 16, 1971. On that day, the Pak-

army surrendered to the Liberation army at the race-course ground. Thus we achieved our glorious


Since then December 16 is being celebrated as our victory day. We observe the day with great

excilement and jubliation, with colourful festivity and patriotic zeal. This day is a public holiday.

Our nalional flag is kept flying on top of every private and public houses and offices, schools,

colleges and universities. We offer wreaths to the victory monuments. Govt. offices and buildings

are decorated and illuminated on this day. Many cultural programmes and festivals are held

thoughtout the country. People from every walk of life attend those programmes with great

exciterment and enthusiasm.

Our victory day is a landmark event in our national political history. The day is the perpetual

8ourec of our inspiration and energy. The day reminds us of the heroic sacrifices of our sons for the

noble cause and 'also inspiTes us to sacriflce ourselves for our beloved country. The day is a clear

warning for the oppressors that people's right can never be neglected for long and that oppressors

will.always be defeated.

Bangladesh is our pride and our victory day is our greatest achievernent as a nation because,

through this victory we have got a country, a flag, an identity and an invaluable treasure of our own.

Owever, though we have got political freedom, we have not vet got economic freedom. And so, we

rake the oath on victory day that we will make our country independent in all respects. Onily

then, our victory will be achieved in the true sense of the term.

66. Tra

Write a Composition about "The Postman"


The Postman

In the past (oo) people used to live at home with their kith and kin ( Gjal). But with the

advancement of civilization (Oo STYOg AE) man now lives far frorn his families and relatives.

So he has to rernain anxious (C R O I) about news from near and dear ones. This demand

(BRnI) has been met up ( aa a through the introduction of postal system ( aOTa a haha a ae

TTCA). Thus, the service of the postman comes into being.

The postman is employed by the postal department to deliver postal matters like letters, parcels.

money orders etc. lo the addressees. In our daily life the post.nan is the most familiar figure (Sb

g). Everyday at a particular time (eft fa ) he is seen passing through the streets.,He is

the most eagerly waited person ( eilG a).Our heart swells with expectations (T aa

GO) when we see him approaching our doors. He brings news from our near and dear ones living in

home and abroad ( IE).

The postman renders invaluable service to us ( OTI A ).He attends the office in time and

perferms his duties sincerely (F ag a aa). f he fails to discharge his duties properly

any day, il may cause irreparable loss ( a a ) to the persons concerned (e a). In all

weathers good and bad he performs his duty.

The postman starts his work in the post office. He opcns the mail bag and sorts ( P3) the

letters and other postal articles. He hands over the outgoing mail to the runner. Then he starts for

his own round.

But in the town the postman maintains an official air. He moves very fast from door to door and

quietly drops the letters into the letter boxes. If he finds a house without a letter box, he drops down

the letters through the doors or windows. In delivering registercd parcels, money orders etc. he

calls the addressees.

The service of the post man is of great importance to us, but he is very much neglected ( iao).

He is ill paid and can hardly make both ends mect. He is not held in due respect (1 R ).

Froper steps should be taken so that he can maintain his family keeping his brain away from the

fear of wants. He is a línk all over the world.

Write a Composition about "village games


Village Games

every nation of the world has its own games and sports. They are as necessary for life as food and

drink. A man eats and drinks to fulfll his hunger and quench (A) his thirst. But he takes part

in games and sports to build up his body and character.

Bhere are many village games  and sports. Ha-du-du, Dariabandha, Kanamachhi, Gollachhut

Danguli, six-guti, Sixteen guti, Lathi Khela, Boat-race etc. are the main village games and sports

Young boys take part in these games in their leisure time.

Ha-du-du is a very popoular game. It is an out door game. It is a game of joy not only to the players

but also to the spectators (7). It costs minimum but gives maximum joy and thril. this game

requires a small plain ground.

Each team has equal number of players. The players stand face to face on a line. Each team stands

in one part of the ground. One player of a team is allowed to enter the ground of the opponent

, (19CT1) party. He utters Ha-du-du all the time holding his breath. He tries his best to touch one or

more players of the opponent party. If he is successful in his attempt and comes back to his own

area, the touched player or players are called dead.

It is another popular game of our villages. In this game a field is made under certain rules equally

divided with lines keeping equal distance from each other. Players are divided into two equal teams,

One team stands outside the field and each of the players of the other team stands on each line

facing at least one opponent player. Players standing outside enter into the field one by one and try

to pass across the fleld to the finishing end. If any player of a team can cross the field from the

starting point to the finishing point and vice-versa,

It is another popular game of our villages. It is played between two teams. There are equal number

of players in each team. A team stands at a fixed point on one side of the field. If the players

standing at the fixed point can cross the field untouched, they win the game.

Lathi Khela is also a popular village game. This game requires some skills and tacties. The healthy

and strong people of villages take part in this game.

Boat-race is a popular entertainment of the people of our villages. Generally a boat race is held

during autumn on the occasion of any village festival (G4). It is really exciting and thrilling.

Country games are very interesting indeed. They can be played without spending much money.

They are source of innocent joy and pleasure. They make us strong, healthy and active.

Village games are part of our culture and heritage. We should play the games to uphold our age old

culture and heritage.

team concerned wins the game.

Write a Composition about"Eve-teasing"



Eve-teasing is a euphemism used for public sexual harassment or molestation of women by men,

With use of the word “Eve” being a reference to the biblical Eve, who many consider the first woman.

Recently Eve Teasing has been growing like an epidemic throughout the country. The term is now

Very common to the younger generations. It means “to excite girls with unpleasant questions,

Annoyance, and irritation, ambling limbs and by creating blockade on the way without showing any

Courtesy.” This immoral activity is unfortunately on the increase in our country. Eve teasing is a

Threat that has grown to alarming proportions. Not many cities in Bangladesh are considered safe

For women. Though, we are one of the fastest growing countries in the world but we have yet to

Ensure the safety of working women and students. Eve teasing is a huge issue in many metropolitan

Cities of Bangladesh.

There are mány causes of eve-teasing in our country, One of the great causes of eve teasing comes

From the natural tendency of man and woman to attract cach other when they openly see each oe

At the stage of puberty. Sometimes male cannot control himself and he indulges with eve teasing

Open sky culture, satellite communication, intermet etc, are to great extent responsible for eve

Teasing. People see free sex, free mixing of men and women via various television programmes.

Internet etc. and they try to do same things which caused eve teasing. Obscene cinema and drama

Sometimes encourage Eve teasing. If a boy finds in cinema or drama an eve teaser a hero then he is

Encouraged to involve with eve teasing. Computers and mobiles have becomé mobile cinema house

With free call, free talk time, free SMS. Without showing his identity a man can make friendship

With opposite sex, and this kind of friendship causes a lot of eve teasing.

Absence of Law is a great factor of encouraging eve teasing. There are some laws to prevent eve

Teasing but they are not enough and the implementation of these laws is difficult due to procedural

Complexity, political influence etc.

Uninterrupted alcoholism and drug addiction is a great cause of eve teasing. When a man devours

Intoxicating materials, he loses his conscience and that time he can do any bad things like eve


Unemployed people are evil doers and engaged in eve teasing. When a man has no work to do he

Becomes a devil and only for spending his time he does eve teasing.

To stop eve-teasing education system must be premeditated at a younger age. Parents’ role is very

Significant. They should keep their children from bad, influences. Parents must educate their

Children ‘what to’ or ‘what not to’ watch. They should adopt friendly relations with their children

Rather than being harsh with them. Teachers must play their role to repeat moral teachings in the

Young minds in a more rational and modern way. The boys should respect the opposite sex, as

Morality demands it, adding that they should not be unaware to the fact that they have families too.

The parents should put utmost trust in their daughters, for this trust will give them the confidence

To face the eve teasers bravely and not to be frightened by them. Overall the most important is the

Consciousness of the women themselves. They should’ protest strongly against such boys otherwise

Hobody can do anything against such eve teasers.

Eve teasing must be stopped. Women deserve respect. Men and women are equal, Our lack of

Consciousness has led to a loss of many lives. But we don’t want any more lives to say good bye to

This world. Women have the right to live freely in the world. Independence is their birth right. They

Nave the right to lead their lives as males. The lamily and society should support them mentally, So

As the govt. must take things seriously. The country wants both of them to be active in such issues.

Write a Composition about "Travelling As A Part of Education"


 Travelling As A Part of Education

The instinct of roaming about, is rooted in man’s nature. Travelling has, therefore, been popule

With him from time immemorial. It is the romance of seeing the unseen, knowing the unknown and

Unveilling the shrouds of mystery.

But it is no entirely driven by a blind urge that man has been travelling year after year. He has also

Lound it useful-immensely benefical. One of its leading benefits is that it serves as a great teacher

It educates all-the ignorant and the erudite alike, even those who may have the pride to think that

They have nothing more to learn.

The knowledge we acquire in the colleges and universities is mainly bookish in nature. It may ad

To our learning without enhancing our real sagacity. The bulk of theoretical studies that have no

Practical application in our day-to-day life may as well be regarded as a sterile piece of earth

Unproductive and useless. The essential link between scholastic knowledge and the actual affairs

Of life can be provided by the realistic understanding of the world derived through travelling.

Travelling across distant countries expands the mental horizon of man. Fanaticism, prejudices.

Intolerance and such other vices are cured and complexes removed when a man comes into contact

With people from different places. Books only conveys theoretical informations on these things. It is

Travelling that effects real exchange between nation and nation, to the benefit of the whole world.

In these days of international tension, travelling can help to bring about cordiality and harmony

Between hostile nations. When we travel through countries, we come to know that people in general

All over the world want peace and amity. That strengthens our own hope of peace and removes the

Fear of a third. World War. Liekwise, travelling can bring different countries closer and closer and

Establish better economic co-operation among them for their mututal benefit.

A long stay at one place brings monotony and stagnation to our life. Change and variety is the spice

Of life. This is no mere platitude but most palpably true. A change of atmosphere from the plains to

The hills, from moist to dry climate, brings about such a perceptible improvement in the state of our

Mental and physical health that doctors prescribe change of place when other remedies fail to

Restore health and spirits ot ailing persons. When our eyes feast on the gorgeous beauties of Nature,

The rolling waves of the blue oceans, the proud pinnacles of mountains, the mysterious wilderness

Of the flambuoyant flower-decked valleys, our hearts swell with ecstasy. Our minds shed all the

Narrowness and unwholesome tendencies at the sight of Nature’s magnificence. Our soul breaks its

Bondage and soars high in quest of the real values of life.

A man never knows his own native land completely till he has gone out of it to some other country.

Only a rational comparison with other countries can specify vividly the true character, the merits

And drawbacks of our own motherland. An awareness of our defects inspires us to work hard and

Improve the unhappy condition of our country. We, the people of the East, have learnt from

Travelling in the Western countries how they enjoy their liberties and discharge the

Responsibilities. This has been a greater teacher than hundreds of sermons on civic rights and


Write a Composition about "Corruption in Bangladesh"

Corruption in Bangladesh

In our recent political history, corruption has become a buzzword duc to its all-pervasive existence

Public sectors and even in private organizations. Corruption has always been a constant

In all our

Phenomenon in our country. But recent drives against corruption and a huge public consctehe

And conscióusness aganst it have given it a new momentum, Bangladcsh has been branded as

Most corrupt country in the world for consecutive four vears by Transparency International. So

Hoth local and international pressure and call have created an urgency to fight and curb corrupuo

In Bangladesh.

Corruption can be defined in simplę term as unethical and unfair practice or means to draw any

Profit or benelit that goes against law and harms others’ interest. In broad terms. Corruption

Includes abuse of power,distortion of standard practices and principles, bribery. Favouritism.

Extortion, fraudulence, deception and illegal practices whereby a person or group draw persona

Benefil damaging others or country’s interest. In our country corruption has been so ramnpant that it

Has becomne a matter of tact common affair. No govt, service or work could be done or is available

Without corruption.

Corruptionis a social evil. Moral degradation and ethical decadence is the main cause of

Corruption. People’s unscrupulous activities, avarice and greed to amass wealth, materialistic

Attitude of life-all these breed corruption. Besides these personal reasons there are some social

“causes of corruption. Capitalistic economic system, inequal distribution of wealth, excessive gap

Between wealth and poverty, economic insolvency, high living cost, unemployment etc. are the

Social and economic causes of corruption. Adding to this poor administrátive system of govt. and

Lack of law and order in society also contribute to spreading corruption.

Corruption has entered each and every core of our administration, public governance, office and

Organisation. In a poor and underdeveloped country like Bangladesh the effects of corruption in

Economy and in politics are very devastating. If govt officials are corrupt, people do not get good

Service from them. If politicians and policy-makers are corrupt, it affects and retards country’s.

Overall development. By doing corruption, a section of powerful people amass huge wealth and lead

A very carefree and luxurious life. This creates social gap and discrimination. Administrative and

Institutional corruption creates depression and grievances among people. Corruption in education

System lowers down standard of education. All these personal and corporate or institutional

Corruption seriously harms the image of the country, causes social and political instability,

Increases economic and social crimes and also discrimination and disorder in the society. These, in

The long run hámper social and economic development of the country. Study shows that corruption

Is responsible for about 2% of GDP decrease and about 40% of our development budget is cither,

Misused or wasted due to corruption.

People’s ethical sense should be strengthen. For this a good education system which stresses on

Creating morality is necessary. Consciousness about corruption and fighting corruption is also

Necessary. Corrupt ollicials and politicians should be severely punished. We should have good and

Effective laws for preventing corruption. A just and equal social and judicial system is necessary to

Prevent corruption. Inuntable, transparent and efficient administration is also necessary. We

Bave to remové social mjustice, social gap and wide gap between wealth and poverty. Besdies, Anti

Corruption Commission should be made effective and independent so that they can fight corruption

Write a Composition about "Importance of Games and Sports in our Life"


Importance of Games and Sports in our Life

Games and sports play an important role in human life. There is a proverb that a sound mind liver

In a sound body. Good health is attained by games and sports. The world can only be united

Through organizing games and sports. Men enjoy games and sports in two ways- playing and.

Enjoying. They can get relieved of monotonous life by playing and enjoying games and sports, So ita

Importance beggars description.

Sports are of great significance and benefits in our everyday life. They play a vital role in buflding

Up individual’s body and mind and also for developing harmony in the community. Both physical

And mental health becomes benefited through sports. Games and sports are today a good source of

Earning money. The players who have reputation home and abroad can earn a lot of money. They

Are also ambassadors of a country’s identity, pride and good wishes. Every nation can be proud of

Their good performance that brings honour for her around the world. The sports venue becomes a

Meeting place of people from different countries. People of different nations get together on the

Occasion of an international sporting event. As a result, they come closer to each other, sharing

Views, opinions and friendship. This opportunity creates brotherhood and a spirit of mutual co-

Operation among them. Moreover, getting acquainted with different cultures helps to break down

Prejudice and broaden outlook. Sports can certainly contribute in a big way to the development of

International relationship.

There are some demerits of games and sports. Many of us spend a lot of time in enjoying games and

Sports. In this respect our main duties and responsibilities may be overloaded and neglected.

During sports the supporters between two teams get involved in violent clashes. This unwanted

Situation may result in the death of their innocent fans.

It is certain that outdoor games and sports are always beneficial for growing school and college boys

And girls. They help to grow physical and mental health. Sports form an useful part of our

Education. They develop moral values and promote co- operation, obedience to rules, self control.

Finally the nation will be greatly benefited by uniting the people through games and sports.

Sports and games teach us punctuality, sincerity, obedience, regularity, discipline which are all

Fundamental needs of an individual to become successful in life. Sports refresh our sensibility and

Provide vigour with our body and mind. So the importance of sports and games cannot be denied at

All. All of us should take part in games and sports to keep ourselves fit and sound for our own


Write a Composition about "Use and Abuses Of Satellite TV"


Use and Abuses Of Satellite TV

Television is the most common and widespread source of entertainment of the present world.
Television now telecasts a wide ranges of pogrammes aiming at viewers of all classes and all ages
and their diverse tastes and demands. And satellite television has added a new dirmnensiohe box.
programming and telecasting. In fact, satellite telecasting appears the whole world nve n
and entertain us and inform us of all that is happening around the world.
Now, In the present world, with the advancement of communication and technology, people s taele
and interests nave changed a lot. Television wonderfully and very effectively, is satislying peopste
channels in particular air programmes of varied interest that people of all ages and all classes
enjoy. Televislon programmes are not only entertaining; they are highly educative and informative
interests and demand for entertainment and information. Television in general and satellite
Television and particularly satellite television provides people with round the clock news service
and keeps them informed of the latest affairs happening around the globe. Besides giving news,
views and information on various issues of the current world, television also shows reports and
analysis on trade and commerce, business and industries, economic and financial activities,
agriculture and weather, new discoveries and opportunities. So, business world as well as
researchers get valuable support from TV. TV channels very often telecast games and sports live. In
fact, watching games and sports on TV has become a good source of recreation, and this also helps
popularise games and sports.
Television plays important role in business world. Television shows advertisement of differents
products and thus give them a wide recognition. Thus, it promotes business and commerce.
Satellite channels has removed monotony of watchíng fixed items of programmes. In fact, today we
have specialised satellite channels on almost every interest. There are some channels which
broadcast only news round the clock, some only show cinemas. Some channels show games and
sports only, some channels show only the discoveries and inventions of science and technology and
again some channels are dedicated for travelling animal world.
For every invention, there are some demerits. Televísion is not free from harms. Televison has great
Influence on young generation. In facl, many young people are addicted to watching television, It
kills their valuable time that ultimately affects their study. Obscene and amoral films, drama or
music, vedios can influence young generation to evil doing. Indeed, satellite TV is now being seen
as a means of cultural assault on develőping countries by western nations.
a lot of time for watching TV also allects productivity and work-efficiency. Much watching
of colour TV is also harmful for eye-sight and brain, and causes írritation, idleness and
As a source of news and information and as a means of Cntertainment and recreation, television is
still very popular and its effect is far reaching. It should be used for pure and harmless recreation
and for constructing an ideal society.

Write a Composition about "International Mother Language Day"


International Mother Language Day

Every nation has some achievements that they can take pride in. Our language day is our national

ational boundary and bęcome universalized. The Intermational Mother Language Day is the

ent and achievement. But the matter of pride foT us is that this national event has crossed our

language movement and the heroic sacrifices of the language martyrs by the

lermational community. Now, after the recognition, our language day is observed globally as

ncernational Mother Language Day.

February 21st is observed as the language day. This day is the culmination of a series of protest

nd events that took place between 1948 and 1952. After the independence of Pakistan the ruling

thonity of West Pakistan recognised Urdu as the state language of Pakiştan in 1948 and tried to

pese it on the Bangla-speaking majority people. Not only that they also denied the demand of the

Sangalis for the recognition of Bangla as the state language.

a 1952 protests erupted throughout East Pakistan adainst the imposition of Urdu and for uie

cagation of Bangla as the state language of Pakistan. The ruling authority imposed section 144

grer the country as the protest grew stronger, However, when students, politicians and genera

sses brought out a procession in Dhaka University area defving the section 144, the ponce

charged fire on the procession. As a result, Rafiq, Jabbar, Salam, Barkat, Shafiq met martyrdo.

pally, Bangla was recognised as the state language. Since then, the day is observed throughout

he country with solemnity and due homage.

gDon of our

On 17 November 1999, UNESCO, a specialized orgnaisation of United Nations (UN) recognised our

language movement and sacrifices of the Martyrs, They declared that UNESCO would observe the

day internationally. Since 2000, the Intermational Mother Language Day is being observed all over

be world. The recognition by the UNESCO and the observance of the day by the international

community has increased our national glory and uplifted the sacrifices of our language martyrs.

Tarough UNESCO recognition, our language day has got international status.

The recognition of our language day and the proclamation of the observance of the day

internationally is very significant. UNESCO's recognition is not simply a recognition of our language

movement, but it recognises that it is the birth right of every nation or race to speak in their own

language. The proclamation also said that this recognition would help to preserve all the languages

of the world, and that diversity of languages is important to maintain cultural idenity and


Since 1952, the 21st February is observed as the language day in our country. We remember our

martyrs, their sacrifices and pay homage to the heroic souls who laid down their lives for the cause

of our mother tongue. We have erected monuments (known as Shahid Minar) in remembrance of

Gem and on 21 February we offer flower wreaths and stand silent in honour of them.

However, the importance of 21st February and its observance lies elsewhere. It is a sows the seed

of our liberation war. And importantly, the language movement teaches us that we have to rise for


our rights, for establishing our place of honour and dignity in the world. It teaches us not

o bow down to any oppression. It also imspires us to sacrific our most treasured thing for the sake

1 the country. So the importance of International Mother Language Day is very significant.

We are the only nation of the world to sacrifice lives for mother tongue. International Mother

anguage Day is a glorious recognition of our history and our achievement. International Mother

Language Day highlights the importance of linguistic identity and variety. We are really proud that

e have achieved something that has got global acceptance.

Write a Composition about " Charms of City Life"


city he has more advantages than its disadvantages. That is why city life is always charming, .

also attracts people from other areas, particularly from villages. There are certain charms or

attractions that make city life enjoyable, comfortable and desirable. City life is furnished with

noxlerm factlities and also lots of better opportunities. City provides a fast and dynamic life, better

earuing scopes, improved medical facilities, advanced mode of transport and communication, better

sucation, good sanitation and other services, recreational and cultural varieties, and most of all

better opportunities for job, business and trade.

City hfe is racy and pacy, A city has good road networks and rapid mode of transport and

communicationa system. So city dwellers can move easily and quickly; and can keep pace with the

rest of the world. Automobiles and private cars, buses and trucks, trains and airliners, telephones

and internets, all faster means of communication and transport have made city life faster, easier

and more comfortable. They have saved both time and money of the city dwellers and reduced their

troubles and hazards.

City has many good educational institutions. So city dwellers get better scopes of education here.

Almost all the good schools, colleges, universities and other specialized institutions are situated in

cities. Besides, a city has good educational resources and environment. Educational institutions in

a city are better staffed. well equipped and better administrated. Also, there are libraries, art-

galleries, museums, literary and intellectual societies and organisations that contribute to widening

learners' knowledge, skill and experience, outlook and faculty power.

A city provides good medical facilities. Highly skilled and experienced doctors are available in

aties. Good hospitals and clinics, diagnostic centres and other medical facilities are also available

in a city.

Cities are hub of trade and commerical activities. There are mills and factories, shopping malls and

supermarkets, banks and govt. and non-govt. offices. So a city offers good job opportunities and

bussiness facilities. In fact. cities provide opportunities for economic and commerical growth.

Generally, cities are furnished with parks, clubs, zoo, museums, theatres and cinema halls, and

dulerent types of attractive places. City dwellers visit these places and spend their free time to get

enjoyment and pleasure. Besides, different cultural organisations arrange variety of programmes all

the year round. These are a good source of joy and recreation for city dwellers. There are lots of

nteresting things to do and places to see. City people also enjoy eating out in fine hotels and


City hfe offers better living conditions. The roads and streets are clean. It has good sanitation, and

garbage management system. It has also supply of pure drinking water. City dwellers enjoy

electricity, gas, teiephone and other urban and modern facilities provided by city authorities or

other service providers. In cities, supply of foods and other goods are better and more than rural

areas. Ahnost anything can be found in city's markets or shops at any time. So city has better living

conditions and environment.

City lfe is full of hustle and bustle, noise and activity but it is also full of excitement and variety. O

course, city life has certain draw backs. But the opportunities and amenities, charms and

attractions invite us to live in a city. City life is particularly appealing to young people because

offers them good earning and spending sources, it provides them with opportunities to develop ther

career, and pursue their dreams. So city life is always wished for!

Write a Composition about " An Ideal Teacher"


4. An Ideal Teacher

In every country of the modern world education is sought to be raised to an ideal plain. But

universally admitted that no ideal education can ever be imparted without ideal teachers. Hen is

every society ideal teachers are in heavy demand. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to discun

and decide who an ideal teacher is, or, in other words, what are the qualities that go to makess

ideal teacher.

The ideality of a teacher has to be determined by some solid and dependable tests. Why do we

come to the college? My answer is that we are sent for two purposes-proper education and souna

character. And the teacher who does his best to contribute to the fulfilment of these two ends o

education is the ideal teacher. To do so is not obviously an easy task and calls for the possession os

certain virtues and qualifications which, therefore, a teacher to be called ideal must acquire and


Firstly, good education begins with sound academic instruction for which the teachers are requirea

to be both scholarly and dutiful. To make his instruction interesting, the teacher must labour to:

make his lectures easy and lucid, so that students in general may follow him. He must also enforce

the rules of study and neither neglect his duties nor tolerate any negligence on the part of the


Secondly. to help the formation of character, a teacher must combine the role of a friend and a

philosopher whom the students may emulate and that of a strict disciplinarian whose displeasure

will restrain them from evil ways. They will have a free access into his personal association in the

college, at home, in the library or at the playground. They must, in short, receive a free flow of love

and attention from him. But they must at the same time feel that his love is conditioned by their

being loyal and dutiful.

In conclusion, it is a debatable point whether ideal teachers are entirely born or can be made in

part. If scholarship alone would constitute the ideality of teachership, they could well be made

because there are scholars outside the periphery of teaching. But qualities of the heart, such as,

intense interest in the career of students, love for their welfare and the attitude of treating students

as sons and daughters, are never to be acquired by those who drift into the profession out of

necessity or compulsion. Unless these inherent virtues are there, sheer intellect, laboured diligence

or practised sterness of character cannot make a teacher ideal. Hence, it would be safe to say that

ideal teachers-teachers like Dr. Arnold, Derozio, Hare and Laski-are born, not made.

Write a Composition about " My Favorite Teacher"

My Favourite Teacher

Or, The Person I Like Most

Mir. Ahmad is my favourite teacher. He is our English teacher. He is an M.A. in English. I love k

respect him and like him best. He has left a permanent impression on my mina by his conquerine

qualities of love and affection, convincing power, high personality and admirable teaching meih

He is our fricnd, philosopher and guide, He not only observes dutifulness and strictness but a.

combines in him a number of other qualities. He is endowed with scholarship. love for teaching

capacity to create interest in his subject, inherent earnestness to see his pupils really educated a

improved in character. He carries out his responsibilities fully without fear or favour and strict

enforces the rules of study and conduct. For all this he is disliked at lirst by some students but

before long they change their opinion about him and make themselves diligent, attentive and

regular in doing the task assigned by him.

Mr. Ahmad has many virtues of an ideal man with a high sense of humanity. So he has easily

earned the genuine love and admiration of all right-thinking boys. He and his students are bound

much by the ties of the same relation as between a father and his sons. He not only teaches but also

tends them. That is to say, he is a tutor, a father and a friend to his students. He takes loving care

of his students in all matters of importance. As for example. he looks after their education, heips

them in distress, gives them his edifying association and always keeps them on the right track, If a

boy is backward in his class, he is sure to get help from Mr. Ahmad. If any poor boy cannot buy a

book, he will no doubt get a book from Mr. Ahmad. Many a night he spends by the sick bed of ailing

students livíng in the hostel. He checks and reforms a student who may have fallen in evil

company. Such is his love and kindness to students. He never hestiates to borrow money to help a

ncedy boy. But he dislikes people talking about his charities.

His method of teaching is very easy and lucid. He has a strong, clear and pleasant voice. Everyday

he teaches us in a new style. He can make any grammatical problen easy. He knows well how to

increase the curiosity of the students. In the class room he is just like an English. His

pronunication is good and he speaks English with a foreign accent. In his class he creates an

English environment. We never feel boring in his class. Rather we feel encouraged in his class. I

any student fails to understand any grammatical problem, he then and there helps the student to

understand it.

Mr. Ahmad is a born teacher and affectionate friend. He finds delight in working with us both in the

classroom and outside. He is always ready to help us in all possible ways. So I appreciate and ake

him most. Such a teacher is liked not only by me but also by all sensible students.

Write a Composition "The Annual Sports of Your School

Sports are a part of education. Hence importance needs not explanation. Our school is a reputea

one in Dhaka city. Our school arranges sports every year which include both indoor and outaea

games. The annual sports are part of the co-curricular activities of our school.

Generally the annual sports of our school are held in winter season, which falls in November o

December. The sports progamme is an occasion of joy and excitement for the students of the

college. Students from every class and sections participate in the various events of the sports. The

progamme is a memorable and enjoyable events for the students.

The annual sports of our school are held in the first week of every December. Last December, the

annual sports of our school were held in our school campus and in the school playground. The

sports had two phases-indoor games and outdoor games. Indoor games were held in the school

campus and the outdoor games were held in our playground. Students attended both the phases.

A central comittee was formed to conduct and supervise the events. The whole progranme lasted for

three days. On the first day, the programme was inaugurated by the principal. at 9 am. in the

morning. The headmaster started the programme by flying a colourful hosts of baloons with

spectators clapping their hands. Then indoor games began. Students of various classes took part in

groups in various events. The events of the indoor games were carom board, table tennis, chess,

etc. And the events of the outdoor games were high jump, long jumnp, sprint events, disc throwing,

cricket etc. The indoor games were held for two days, and the last day was for outdoor games.

Students joined the events very enthusiastically.

After the end of the events, the names of winners and runners up were announced. Each winner

was awarded a prize and certificate. The headmaster handed over prizes among the winners.

I took part in some events. But I won only in three events. I became champion in chess in my group,

won first prize from my section in 100 metre sprint and became runners up in long jump from my

group. So I received three prizes.

The annual sports of our school ended peacefully and joyfully. The sports gave us a great relief and

joy. It was a break from the monotony and rigid routine of class and exams. The sports are occasion

of entertainment, refreshment and developing our co-curricular skils. We enjoyed the progamme

very much.


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